and it’s still winter…


not the actual thing in me but what it would have been had it lived

When we left Belize 3 months ago I had what I thought was an infected zit on my back, It got worse after we returned and I went to Urgent Care and told them about my trip to Belize and my fear that I had a fly larvae inside me. They told me it was just an infection and gave me anti-biotics which cleared up the infection but I still had a bump. I asked my primary care doctor about it and told him about Belize and fly larvae, he smiled and said that it was just inflamed tissue and would resolve itself…well 2 months later it was still there and looked again like an infected zit so i popped it and out came a small piece of something. I looked at it under a microscope and it definitely had bug like stuff to it so I looked online and discovered it was a dead bot fly larvae, it had the fangs and the same shape. So much for our vaunted medical care. Neither doctors listened to my concern and both misdiagnosed it. If you got to another country and come back with anything amiss PLEASE insist that your primary physician take a good look or refer you to someone who really knows their stuff. Kudos to my bod for killing the thing and pushing it up and out of my epidermal layer

Construction Update:

Finished the ceiling and built the bedroom walls separating the N & S sides of the house.Also insulated the entire 3rd floor. Doesn’t matter that the weather is horrid outside, I have a nice dry workspace!!!!

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