Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weekend in Boston

We went to Boston last weekend leaving on Thursday so Colleen could go to a conference at Hampshire College on Friday. We camped at the confluence of the Mill and Connecticut Rivers.

Jakobi thought we were back on Tortola, she loves the tent

We spent Friday Night with South Hadley friends Kim and Wendy and Hannah!

We parked outside katie and Bob's old home and took the subway to Granny's home.

Ambiana loves her Gamma...

...and was a big help pushin' her around,

Jakobi loves to swing..

...and to be pushed on anything with wheels...

We ran the Doyles 5 mile pub run for the 4th time on Sunday. 2nd race with the double jogger. Me and the gals finished under 44 minutes and Colleen came in around 52 minutes. I hit a post with the left wheel of the jogger and ran the last 100yds with the jogger doing a wheelie as the front tire got wobbly and was pullin' to the right. Granny said I was 7th out of 23 strollers..