Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 weeks of Gaelen

Jacoby is getting ready...he's head down and ready for a this where we will water birth him????

Gaelen and Ambiana had lots of fun painting the Jacoby Belly...Colleen doesn't like the name Jacoby anymore since everyone here in New England relates the name to red Sox center fielder Jacoby Ellsbury. I still love it, he'll be Jacoby once she sees that he is Jacoby.

Gaelen spent 4 days at the Vermont Mountaineers baseball camp learning new skills and making friends.

Camp included tickets to a game, we went twice as the 1st one was rained out the weather here being so freakin wet, not at all summer like, can't believe it is July, feels more like April

Ambiana loves having her brother here for so long...

Gaelen likes it too, loves the outdoors where he explores the woods, builds dams in the creeks and crawls through culverts!

Yummy summer treat!

We had a summer camp out with our friends Cara, Zoe and Maggie, a fun fire and tents in the back pasture...