Wednesday, March 11, 2009

19 Weeks

We've been slacking on the belly pictures so you get 2 this week. Ambiana has been getting into the act as well. She too has a "baby" in her belly and she gives birth to Bear-Bear at least once a day!

17 Weeks

Here's the belly pic from 2 weeks ago, no 18 week picture:( It was a mellow week, no roadtrip, just staying home for a change. Colleen led the local Worcester Transition Town meeting on Sunday. It's a community building group that is creating networks and plans for when the oil runs out and we can longer get food from California and have to rely on our communities and local farmers for sustenance.

We had our friends Aubrey and Gavin over for dinner on Saturday. They have a 3 year old boy named Liam who is Ya's friend. Here they dine at Ya's own little table while the grown ups eat at the big table.

We are now officially Vermonters!