Friday, March 20, 2009



1486 miles in just about 25 hours; we drove a spiral down the planet along the east coast of the continent while the earth spun one circle on her axis...Sunset to sunSet with a sweet early a.m. moonrise, (waning crescent fire-archer) somewhere in there in Virginia. Moch drove us out of Vermont into a land of billboards, and a sprawling behemoth of civilization stretchin' from Springfield down to DC. Colleen took the wheel at 230am, the sunrise shift delivering us into S. Carolina while i dreamed among the tunes on the radio in the passenger seat.

We greeted Spring at 740am at a rest stop. Ambiana got out her watering can and watered while I made pancakes and swam in the morning sunpool. The grass is green here and has we sunk deeper south into Georgia and Florida the temperature went from the 40's to the 70's as the trees spring forth first buds, then leaves until suddenly we were in summer 84 degrees and of so warm. It was like we drove into what is coming to vermont over the next 2 moons in 25 hours, time-lapsed Spring.

The Trip was good, met nice folk with kids and grandmas at the reststops where we cooked pancakes and grilled cheese, our autumn and summer last year in our car done us good, feels good to break out and be mobile again, light up that cookstove, make home where we roam, untethered and rolling. The BigKidslittlekids CD mixes are fun, we sing along to Rusted Root and Clap Clap Clap Your Hands and fairly burst out the Song of the Bugle Fairy.

Ambiana lounges out in her rear facing car seat, set so she can sleep more comfy and liking it so she wants to ride thus the whole way, Mommy and her read, make crafts, read books while I keep the radio off and OD on radio lab and science friday podcasts. I ad downloaded Peter Pan for all our enjoyment and we found out it is read by some robot auto-voice and is bearly listenable. Without inflection and emotion the words are discordant and harsh which sucks because the book is so not Disney(as we pass Orlando) and the writing clever and spry.

And now we are here, with Dale and Kristie, Colleen's brother and his gal and they have a dog!!!! He's a jumper, Ya is weary having been knocked down traumatically last year in Iowa. She is also weary of auto flush toilets and breaks into tears of fright when she sees one as she did with me this morning at the rest stop. I flushed it for her so she could hear that it is not as terrifying as it was when she was 8 months old but the trauma runs dad flies in 2morrow and we meet upwith him, my mom and tony in Ft Meyers on Sunday...
